Monday, November 25, 2013

Your local Sheriff (Is the most powerful) law enforcement officer in the country

I live in the state of California, USA.  Each county here has a Sheriff elected by popular vote.  What most people here don't realize is that when they cast their vote for this public office, they are appointing one individual to determine what the ultimate say is considering the 10th Amendment in our Bill of rights.  It states that the Federal government cannot compel a sovereign state to enforce federal statutes. In a nutshell...
According to the Tenth Amendment, the government of the United States has the power to regulate only matters delegated to it by the Constitution. Other powers are reserved to the states, or to the people (and even the states cannot alienate some of these). Like it or hate it this puts a heavy weight on your local Sheriff as well as his deputies assigned through him or his predecessors. SHERIFFS ARE AMERICA'S LAST PEACEFUL LINE OF DEFENSE AGAINST TYRANNY.

Nullification of Unconstitutional Law:  A federal law that is unconstitutional is no law at all.  Therefore it must be nullified.  When this occurs it is up to the States to declare it so and refuse to enforce it.  Nullification is like a shield for the people of the States against unconstitutional laws. The federal government cannot be permitted to hold a monopoly on constitutional interpretation.  This is where your county Sheriff comes in.  Sheriffs First initiative, whereby, with a few exceptions, it would be a state crime for a federal law enforcement official to make an arrest or engage in a search or seizure without first receiving permission from the local sheriff.

  With an alarming growth in federal size and powers, and with unprecedented ignorance over American history and our kind of government, someone must stand up for our basic civil and natural rights. This has turned out to be the County Sheriff.  A healthy balance of power between the States and the Federal Government will reduce the risk of tyranny and abuse from either front…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

An observation...

Many observations, perhaps jumping to a few conclusions as well.
     I am frustrated.  How is it that most everyone in the western world wallows in debt?  For nothing more than material possessions.  Behaving as though their apparent status is a reward for their hard work. Realistically their debt make them slaves to labor, perpetually.   The gold adorning their fingers or maybe even around their necks. A diamond ring for the ladies out there.  The grade of diamond most of them may never know! Peppered with imperfections!  Bought with a credit card. 
     The cars or SUV's they lumber about in, to and from work or maybe the mall are mostly owed on or leased.  Debt.  The houses they brag that they own.  Owning a mortgage is NOT owning a house!  Paying an inflated price for some place to live is borderline insane.  Paying a bank each month for the "American Dream" IS insane!
  Still they continue to work and pay, work and pay.  Let's not forget the taxes for the privilege of "owning" the mortgage. Oh one might say, "I'm not going to pay those damn taxes"  Do it!  Then wait for the letter stating the IRS will be seizing your "property" to pay the taxes you owe them!  What a huge joke!  You might enjoy pissing your money away on a mortgage.  I don't.  Been there, done that.  Can't say I liked it.
     Those that participate in the new car, I got a mortgage club commonly look down on those who live within their means and do without.  I see it everyday through observations in public.  The frown on the indebted is common too.  Wouldn't you think they would be smiling and happy?  Maybe they frown for other issues that override their joy of being in debt to "own" their jewelry or newer car, or maybe it's the child support or alimony owed to the ex?  Divorce granted due to irreconcilable differences.  I. E. "I want to use the credit card but you maxed them all out!"  "I'm out of here!"   Off you go to get your own debt to look glamorous out there at Starbucks in the morning!  Hmmmm.   After all this is said and done.  The math is crystal clear.  Those who earn a pay rate at or slightly below poverty might very well live a better life than those in deep debt paying for the "American Dream".  Those who do without generally live a better quality of life.  Here's the math:  Time= Wealth= Happiness.  On the other side of the street the math is like this: Debt= Slavery= Strife= Frustration= Poverty.  I'll take the first example, thanks.    The 1st example is simple to understand. If one lives within their means, you will need to work less to carry your own weight in this world.  A work day of say 4 hours a day 3 days a week per person as a couple should easily be enough to get by and enjoy your TIME.  Most of us work 40 or more hours a week every week in order to pay those bills.  Imagine not having those bills.  Add up what pay each month then each year for those cars, credit card payments, that mortgage (house).  Now imagine not having that load on your shoulders....  Pretty attractive ehhh?  Well maybe you are sickened by my rant.  I call that a disease.  Maybe you "want" to work all day everyday for the eventual layoff or hourly cutback you will receive.  Oh wait I forgot the "retirement fund" you feed each week.  Seen the bottom line lately?  Sucker.  Live within your means.  Don't buy into the keeping up with the Jone's.  Stop watching the TV's commercials.  Ignore the mass media!  Live your life!  Run for you life while you still can!!! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Preamble to The Declaration of Independence... With clear instructions!

This Declaration was meant to send a message to a tyrannical government set on looting the original colonies here in North America.  Written and signed 235 years ago, A clear message was delivered to said tyrants.  Today we as Americans face a very similar threat.  A threat festering from within.  Funded by the giant parasites: the mult-i national corporations and the Federal Reserve.  Their goal is lofty and nearly complete.  The American public is now the laughing stock of the free world.  Lead along on their leashes by the clowns who have giggled their way into every branch of the federal government.  Aided by the main stream media and a vast number of talk shows with the agenda set fourth by the lobby that funds them as well as the senate and the house of representatives.  The American public has been skillfully separated via religion, political parties, race (culture), location etc.  United we stand divided we fall.  Get it?  Well you better get it soon or we're all going to get it.  Read the preamble posted here.  Specific instructions as to what should be done if our government becomes oppressive or goes against the common good of the PEOPLE.  Here it is so you will not have to search for it....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

  Prudence indeed....  I have written many times that we are running out of time....  We ARE almost out of time.  Come together America.  Soon...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A world that wouldn't grow up.

Refer to the writings of Gunter Grass.  The Tin Drum outlines the future of the world.  Recalling a quote " each time history repeats itself, the price paid is much higher".  I cannot understand where the lack of interest comes from.  Ignorance?  Sure everybody has it on some level...  Naaa that cant be it.  How about, Gullible? That's getting closer...  There has to be a better description out there.  Hmmmm; How about innocence?  Even children are hardly innocent in this civilization.  That wont do either.   Oh!  I have it!  Child State!  A less elegant description although fitting for the current group of adults who are capable of changing and stopping the world wide situation as it progresses today. Yes Child State it will be.
    Next example should be (but isnt)...  Pans Labyrinth.  Most take the movie in Jungian terms as a happy story..  Little girl living in Spain just as the Allies are about to land at Normandy to end the "war".  La la la  she is surrounded by evil but triumphs in the end.  Even though she dies.  Nope, I see it as another allegory used to define our current (and ongoing) world wide problem with a few struggling for the better of the many.  Why?  Well, maybe the few are the only group capable of seeing and realizing what is actually going on currently.  I wont go into the boring details as my point is about literature and movies leading the way only to be misunderstood by the Child State over and over again.
     Pan Labyrinth has several meanings built into it...  The single meaning im addressing here is the struggle of the few fighting for the many.  Ophelia the main character is innocence.  the Captain the repressive government, multinational government, financial entity .the oppressive material world most people abide in without questioning which prohibits the full emancipation of the being. Ophelia's mother is Spain (foolish as it was). The Stick bug as the media portrayed as the"follow me to the Labyrinth" where  Ophelia meets the Faun (Pan)...  Another quote leader "im here to help you" kind of guy.  Although it really has it's best interest in mind.  The stick bug becomes a fairy along with the Faun's fairies (media reporters).  Ophelia's yet to be born brother represents hope.The Republican soldiers (rebels) represent the "few".  There are more characters in the film. I'm going to use the characters  above for the effect im after.  Watch either movie to understand my point.  I can only surmise here...  The current lack of interest in the condition of the Human society is troubling to me to the point of wanting to tear my head off and throw it at people to get their attention!  On a grand scale, society is playing the part of Oskar (Tin Drum) as well as to compare Ophelia's mother as society too.  Take your choice.  They are , at the end of the day one and the same.  Want to get a good idea about where society is headed?  Let's remove politics and religion out of the mix...  They are both at once confusing and pointless.  Take a look now without these two in the scheme of it all.  Get's pretty simple!  From this point on we are now equals.  One HUMAN race.  Now let's take out boarders and patriotism.  Wow!  Less and less to worry about.  Now let's remove wealth and the monetary systems world wide.  Disease and starvation almost disappear.  There are no longer corporations or pharmaceutical companies monopolizing everything.... Including drugs.  Crime withers to a tiny problem.  Without boarders or governments or Corporations nor religious difference there is no longer an excuse for war.  Without these distractions education can now be free for every person everywhere.  Opps I almost forgot my least favorite parasite...  Media.  Well, they're no longer needed as there are no corporations, governments, lobby,religion,countries ets to stir up trouble with.  Who needs them?  Goodbye media liars.  Glad to see ya go.   Technology would leap forward instantly without restrictions.  What a concept.  What a load...  Im for it.  Are you?  Watch the 2 movies I started this blog with.  Us my character analogy.  Your eyes had better open up soon.  We really are getting close to running out of time.  We are waiting for you to pull away from the herd of sheep...  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Libya, An act of war! One more block put in place or dominance of the middle east for oil!

Though the administration seems to be playing with semantics, calling this a "kinetic military action," let's be clear: this is a US act of war on Libya. Imposing a no-fly zone over the air space of a sovereign nation is an act of war, as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pointed out before the bombing began. That the administration hesitates to call this war, possibly due to the troubling Constitutional implications, does not mean that it is not one. Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution could not be clearer: the power and obligation to declare war resides solely in the US Congress. Congress must assert its Constitutional authority and rein in an administration clearly out of control. To do this we must first weed out the sell outs in Congress; Down to your local Assemblyman. Rally together! America is on the very brink... Hurry; Do your part! Demand action! Get Corporate lobby out of the influence of O
UR government. For the people by the people... Remember that agreement? It's from OUR Constitution! We are running out of time!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Electric vehicles (We had a great start) Too bad corporations sleep with each other...

In January 1990, GM chairman Roger Smith demonstrated the Impact, an electric concept car, at the 1990 Los Angeles Auto Show. The car had been developed by electric vehicle company AeroVironment, using design knowledge gained from GM's participation in the 1987 World Solar Challenge, a trans-Australia race for solar vehicles, with the Sunracer, which went on to win the competition. This was as far as I can tell the best beginning for EV's up 'til this date.  Toyota, Nissan as well as Honda began development in earnest, anticipating battery technology would move forward in leaps and bounds.  California even had a mandate, that by 1998 2% of the 7 car manufacturer's vehicles sold in California be emissions free  5% by 2001 and 10% by 2003...  This of coarse didn't happen.  Starting off, pretty much all the major manufacturers began developing a zero emission vehicle to participate in California's goal. This was looking good!  1994 GM released "Preview". A set of about 50 electric vehicles.  These were hand built.  2 week consumer trials were started.  High voltage plug-in boards were installed at the qualified testers houses.  There were almost 10000 requests in Los Angeles alone! GM had never anticipated this kind of reaction!  At best they figured oh.. maybe 100. New York city had nearly 14000 requests!  After the cars were handed out (under strict guidelines).  Reports came back as favorable.  remember, this is a first attempt.  A car magazine reported about the Impact saying "The Impact is precisely one of those occasions where GM proves beyond any doubt that it knows how to build fantastic automobiles."  You'd think that by reading this quote or knowing about the initial response by the test consumers GM would be hopping up and down raring to go...  If you thought that you were wrong.  GM was quoted as saying "   We have done our best.  The vehicle has come up short.  Now we hope the law makers will agree with us and postpone or scrap the deadline altogether".
       This was a clear sign that that a least GM wasn't ready to give up their cash cow as well as the oil industries stranglehold on the world.  Im stating GM in this report as the culprit.  Ford and Chrysler equally had a dirty hand in this as well.  GM developed a vehicle,Purchased a battery technology, and even tested a small fleet of these fabulous machines.  So, im picking on them.  My article... 
      Regardless of their quotes or as near as I can recall, GM moved forward with the electric vehicle program.  Although they destroyed the Impact protypes (all 50 I think).  The next vehicle was the EV1.  I am sad and angry every time I talk about this little car.  I bring it up in conversations when ever someone bitches about gas prices or the expense and lack of performance of current "hybrid" cars.
       The 1st Generation EV1 was powered by lead acid batteries. With a range of 75 to 100 miles this was typical for a lead acid battery powered car.  Nothing unusual here. There were 660 EV1 generation 1's built.  The test bed areas were Los Angeles and Arizona.  These were to be leased only. No purchases were allowed.  Although  $34,000  was the retail price suggested.  Pre-screenings were done.  Test families were leased the EV's from around 400 to 550 a month.  This was around Dec 1996.  This 1st year saw only 288 cars leased.  Although by 1999 response from this group was almost maniacal in their love for this little car.  Remember this was a test.  Not production;  So GM really didnt push this car through ad campaigns.  They were doing this to prove their point and to get the CARB mandate stricken from the board in California.  Dont believe me?  Read on...
     Let us not forget that technology starts small and grows slowly before technology improves and costs go down."  This is a quote from the VP of marketing for Saturn.  He supported the EV1 program although im sure he was silenced by the fire breathing dragon GM.  Money talks;  GM wasn't about to be the guinea pig in this corporate scheme to sabotage the electric vehicle program.  What, with a multi billion dollar cash cow i.e.  The antiquated internal combustion engine.  The infrastructure in place there and within all auto manufacturer's cradles.  Not to forget the strangle hold the oil companies have on the entire world utilizing these engines to supply the lifeblood of their "nations" with goods and services.  Long-winded at best... Sorry. You get the point...  Multinational corporations sharing their beds with one another.  All the while we as consumers suffocate under their grasp.
     Onward!  GM released Gen 2 of the EV1 platform in 1999.  With a huge improvement in battery technology.  As well as quieter operation, lower production costs and extensive weight reduction.  The real star here was the Nickle-metal-hydride battery replacing the lead acid battery in he previous Gen 1 car.  This technology was initially developed by Battelle-Geneva research center and backed up by Daimler- Benz... you know  Mercedes Benz, Daimler-Chrysler etc.  20 years or work went into these batteries.  Im going to skip ahead here and move on to Ovonic battery company in Michigan, USA.  This was the company that hit onto a stable version of NiMH battery technology way back in 1982.  Improvements were made through the years enough that GM purchased the patent from them in 1994.  These were the big batteries not the small packs of thousands in the "hybrid" vehicles out running around today.  They had a pretty good deep cycle ability and a pretty good amp hour capacity.  This is what bumped the EV1 gen2 into realistic mileage numbers.  Here's the range capability the Gen 2 had:   100 to 140 miles between charges.  Although I have seen numbers closer to 180-200 between charges.  I know I drive less than 200 miles a week to and from work as well as shopping and goofing around etc.  This is a real number people!  The cost to operate this car was low compared to the cost for a gas powered car.  Additionally, in todays high fuel prices and economy, this technology a decade later after billions put into it by now would have allowed mass production of the electric car like the EV1 gen2 to be affordable to many consumers.  Here's where I spill the beans. 

      By October 2002 there were over 1100 EV1's out there on lease.  Remember this was a test platform. February 2002 GM sent out notices to all lessees  that they were to return the cars.  Game over...  By November 2003 Gm began reclaiming the cars.  They were stripped and crushed period.  Wanna know my opinion?  Here goes...  Theres a company out there named Chevron/ Texaco.  At the time  Texaco was a separate company.  Well, it somehow "acquired" the patent right from GM for NiMH battery technology.  The bought it.  I can only imagine how the conversation began between the 2 super corps.  Although im sure it had something to do with oil profits dropping massively due to the electric vehicles growing popularity. As well as the petroleum industries throttling of the world for profit in the next hundred years  through their scarcity tactics and quest for oil at the expense of out soldiers blood and the blood of others unfortunate enough to be in a country with oil resources underground that they want.  Oops!  Well GM and the other car manufacturers dont get off easy here!  An electric cars power plant and drive train is simple and reliable compared to a gas powered car.  Think of all the parts replacement profits lost.  Think of all those oil changes not needed....  That's just the tip!  Yep,  I can only imagine the conversation in that room on that day GM sold the world out to Texaco.  Let's move ahead just only 1 week later.  Guess who merged with Texaco?  Chevron,  that's right.  One week later after Texaco got the patent rights to NiMH battery technology; Chevron gets into the game.  Now, I know that by acquiring this patent Chevron wasnt going to not sell batteries.  They were gonna make it so expensive to purchase a set to power an electric vehicle nobody could afford to produce a 100% electric vehicle the like of the EV1 gen2 for a long time. Time is money as the saying goes...  Toyota actually produced a fine example of an electric vehicle the Rav4 EV.  Hell, they even met CARB's production requirement mentioned earlier in this article.   The Battery used was the EV-95.  Well two thing happened with the RAV4 EV.  The first was the EV-95 was no longer produced and if it was it was so expensive to purchase.... Well you get the jist.  Second;  This is fuzzy as there is a gag order in place but as far as I can tell Toyota was sued over patent rights violation for using Chevron's NiMH battery design or similar enough to get their attention.  The cost for this rebellion Called "patent license fees"; 30 million US dollars...  That'll shut all of them up!  No more RAV4 EV's.  Although there are a good number still running out there in California with over 100,000 miles and many with the original batteries in them capable of holding 70% of their charge!  I cant back that up but I have heard this claim.  Pretty good considering no oil changes and very few moving parts to replace.  Oh,  The company owned by Chevron/Texaco that holds the patent rights is called Cobasys.  Look it up.  This subsidiary  of Chevron almost went bankrupt in 2009 and was sold to Samsung and Bosch.  You'd think this was a good thing altogether.  Well,  Chevron still holds the patent rights to the technology and continues to get the royalties fron use of such technologies. That is, until 2014 when most of the important patents are no longer theirs. All the while, with gas prices at $4 per gallon, the economy tanked , the US wallowing in 2 occupations (in oil rich countries) saving us all from the terrorists.  Where is another alternative to these blood sucking parasites?  All multi national corporations in my opinion are guilty of sleeping with each other.  One 's profits probably benefit the others.  All the while we suffer the consequences through or ignorance.  I urge any one reading this rant to avoid watching the media circus news and study events that have led up to the problems of today. Turn on the B. S. filter.  Follow your gut.  The more we know the stronger we will be going up against such a group of giants, intent on only bettering their bottom line.  We owe it to the planet and to our future generations to get it together soon....  We are running out of time.... Good luck!